Flowering Plum Trees

Plum Blossoms- www.gildedbloom.com

It is that beautiful time of year again when the trees are starting to bloom and fill the air with the sweet scent of spring.  I like to walk in the mornings and take in the beauty of the season.  

Flowering Plum Trees- www.gildedbloom.com

Last week I brought my camera along and found this flowering plum tree to photograph.  The blossoms are a very subtle pink and catch the light beautifully.  Later this tree will grow dark purple leaves that are lovely until the fall.  

Flowering Plum Trees- www.gildedbloom.com

After coveting these branches (which would look gorgeous massed in a big vase in our living room) I'm seriously considering planting a flowering plum tree like this one in the backyard.  They are so pretty throughout the year...

Flowering Plum Trees- www.gildedbloom.com

Flowering Plum Trees- www.gildedbloom.com

But until then I'll be enjoying the landscape on my morning walks.  Also...

Darling Ducks- www.gildedbloom.com

These adorable little ducks are often my companions during these a.m. strolls.  They are visitors to our neighborhood this time of year and are usually found in pairs sleeping on lawns or waddling down the street on rainy days.  Although they don't like to pose, I managed to snap a picture of them just for you.


Branches and Blooms: Star Magnolia


Daffodils in Distinctive Containers