Spring in the Garden...
Today is officially the first day of Spring and the garden is clearly celebrating with beautiful blooms and blossoms. Our magnolia tree is covered in pink and white velvety flowers which glisten on these rainy days.

The daffodils are also coming back to life. They are one of the first in a parade of flowers that will light up the garden this season.

The potted tulips are growing and starting to grace our patio with pastel beauty.
Blooming in bright pink and usually buzzing with bees, this redbud tree is already filled with flowers.
(I happened to get a bee-free photo while out in the rain this morning!) The branches are so colorful.
Pink jasmine buds cover the fence and are about to open and release their lovely sweet fragrance into the air...
But most exciting, is this sweet little dove living on the top shelf of our plant rack. She's been there for a few weeks and is very friendly, even when we water her plant! Today I noticed she has two new baby doves in her nest. One was happy to pose for the picture but the other is resting. What a wonderful surprise!
Happy Spring!