Fresh Flowers Styled in a Long Wooden Bowl

 Fresh Flowers Styled in a Long Wooden Bowl-

Today is a beautiful winter day here in California with the sun shining through the icy cold air.   I'm finally getting time to share some floral fun after a very busy last few months.  It's great to be back blogging as it is such a wonderful way to connect with all of you who share my passion for design and flowers!

This season I hosted a winter tea party for my Mom's birthday and created a centerpiece of fresh white roses for the occasion.   Having just purchased a long wooden bowl for the holidays, I decided to create a "rose boat" centerpiece for the dining room table.

Fresh Flowers Styled in a Long Wooden Bowl-

The wooden container is 36" long and about 6" wide which makes it the perfect size to hold three dozen roses.  First the bowl was lined with plastic to keep it dry, then three loaf pans filled with water were inserted and covered with a grid of tape to hold the flowers in place.  

Roses- Fresh Flowers Styled in a Long Wooden Bowl-

Long stemmed white roses were combined with clippings of foliage from the garden and a few holiday pine tree branches.  First, the foliage was arranged in the loaf pans of water to create a bed of greenery for the roses.  Then the roses were cut shorter to fit in the containers and baby's breath was added and strewn throughout the design.

The roses were fresh and lovely for the birthday tea party and lasted about a week after the event.

Teacup- Fresh Flowers Styled in a Long Wooden Bowl-


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